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Forages & Grains





Nursery & Forest

Degree Days

Volume 58 Number 9 Date 06/27/2013

SOYBEAN APHID - Surveys indicate the soybean aphid population is widespread but low. Densities in 37 soybean fields sampled from June 20-26 varied from 1-27 aphids per infested plant, although two fields, one southwest of Brooklyn in Green County and another near Dodgeville in Iowa County, were found to have individual plants with 142-168 aphids. Infestation rates varied from 1-44%. Soybean aphid pressure is increasing, emphasizing the need for sequential scouting earlier than usual this year. The economic threshold remains at 250 aphids per plant on approximately 80% of plants in the field.

ROSE CHAFER - Light defoliation caused by these insects was observed this week in soybeans in Juneau and Monroe counties. Currently the infestations involve fewer than 5% of plants. Beetles were also reported on a variety of ornamental and garden plants in La Crosse and Waupaca counties. Rose chafer activity and leaf skeletonization should increase over the next 3-4 weeks, especially in sandier areas of the state.

-- Krista Hamilton, DATCP Entomologist