Volume 57 Number 2 Date 04/19/2012 GARLIC MUSTARD - Flowering, second-year plants are apparent along roadsides and in wooded areas throughout the state. Mechanical control measures should be implemented at this time, as plants are in bloom and prior to seed set. Pulling individual plants by hand is effective in reducing populations and seed productivity as long as the upper portion of the roots is removed. Plants should be bagged and disposed of to prevent seed maturation. Landfill disposal of garlic mustard and other invasive plants collected for eradication purposes is permitted if the weeds are separated from other yard waste and placed in a clear plastic bag. WILD PARSNIP - Controls directed against newly emerged, vegetative plants should begin in the next 2-3 weeks. Options include herbicide treatment, manual removal and burning. Foliar herbicides spot-applied to vegetative plants are most useful in spring. Removal of plants by hand is practical through mid-July, but extreme caution must be taken to protect skin from its toxic sap. The third option, burning plants, is recommended from May to mid-June, but only for trained individuals. CREEPING CHARLIE - The treatment window for control of creeping Charlie is from 200-350 degree days (base 50°F), while plants are in full bloom and most susceptible to herbicides. The upper range of this threshold is approaching for much of southern Wisconsin, indicating final spring controls should be implemented in the next week. --Clarissa Hammond, DATCP Weed Scientist |