Volume 58 Number 2 Date 05/09/2013 CABBAGE MAGGOT - Cole crop transplants should be planted one week before or after peak fly emergence to avoid damage. According to the cabbage maggot degree day model, peak emergence can be anticipated in 1-2 weeks in the southern and central areas. This event generally takes place at 300 degree days (base 43°F), as lilacs are in full bloom. Broccoli and cauliflower plantings on light sandy soils are at highest risk of infestation and should be monitored closely this month for signs of maggot injury. IMPORTED CABBAGEWORM - The presence of these yellowish-white butterflies around field plantings and home gardens signals eggs are being laid on broccoli, cabbage, kale and other cole crops. Serious early-season infestations are rare, but should they develop, Btk products applied while the larvae are small can be very effective. -- Krista Hamilton, DATCP Entomologist |