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Forages & Grains





Nursery & Forest

Degree Days

Volume 62 Number 10 Date 06/29/2017

SOYBEAN APHID - Densities have not increased substantially since aphids were first observed on June 5. Counts averaged less than one aphid per plant in 30% of the fields surveyed this week, and the other 70% had no detectable aphid population. Aphid colonies are currently more prevalent in western Wisconsin soybeans than in the southern and eastern areas. Routine monitoring should begin by the second week of July or once fields reach the R1 (first flower) development stage.

DEFOLIATORS - Leaf feeding by rose chafers, bean leaf beetles, Japanese beetles, sand chafers, slugs and various caterpillars has been common in soybeans this month, though defoliation is light, ranging from 5-15% on no more than 20% of plants in most fields. Damage rates have not exceeded the 30% economic threshold for soybeans in the prebloom (prior to R1) stages as of June 29 and control has not been warranted for any field surveyed by DATCP.

-- Krista Hamilton, DATCP Entomologist