Volume 65 Number 18 November 12 2020
This Week's Weather & Pests
Favorable spring planting weather paved the way for record-breaking crop yields achieved amid the global pandemic of 2020. After a mild March, April warmth provided the earliest planting window in four years. Mostly-dry May weather supported a rapid fieldwork pace, and corn and soybean planting was completed 1-2 weeks ahead of historical averages. June heat and rainfall accelerated crop development, while hot, humid July growing conditions maintained exceptional prospects. By July 31, over 3/4 of the state's corn, soybeans, small grains were rated in good to excellent condition. Drought intensified during August in parts of western Wisconsin, and crops matured quickly in September, 3-4 weeks ahead of last year and 1-2 weeks ahead of average. At the close of a season marked by uncertainty, Wisconsin producers expect to harvest an unprecedented 539 million bushels of corn and 110 million bushels of soybeans.