Volume 65 Number 3 Date 05/14/2020 BLACK CUTWORM - A moderate weekly capture of 170 moths in 44 survey traps was documented during the May 7-13 reporting period, signaling that egg laying on winter annual weeds such as common chickweed, peppergrass and yellow rocket should increase as temperatures warm next week. The spring trapping survey, which started with the first moth capture on April 8, has to date yielded a cumulative total of 477 moths. Approximately 867 moths had been collected by this time last year. Based on the substantial amount of early corn planting this season and the comparatively small April-May moth migration, most of the state's corn acreage is considered to be at low risk of black cutworm infestation this spring. EUROPEAN CORN BORER - Pupation of second-generation carryover larvae from last season is beginning in south-central and southwestern Wisconsin. According to the results of 2019 ECB abundance survey, the fall larval population was 0.01 borer per plant, the lowest state average recorded in 78 years. A very small spring moth flight is expected next month. -- Krista Hamilton, DATCP Entomologist |